Church Retreat Objective: We rest so we can journey further. We gather so we can connect deeper.
Key Verse: 2 Timothy 2: 21 Those who cleanse themselves from common use will be instruments for special purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.
主题经文:提摩太后书2:21 人若自洁,离开卑贱的事,就必作贵重的器皿,成为圣洁,合主使用,预备行各样的善事。
Devotionals download:
Pitstop 2019 (615 downloads)
六号驿站2019 (647 downloads)
Retreat Theme Song: Called to Serve
Score download:
Called to Serve score (179 downloads)
Meeting Time 集合时间
Place 地点:Jubilee Church禧年堂
Time时间:21st June, Friday, 7:15am sharp (Coach depart at 8:15 sharp!)
6月21 日早上7点15分集合,巴士8点15分准时出发
Bus Allocation: Check your bus number at the Service Desk at level 2.
Advance Party and JCCM Leaders 先驱队伍与儿童事工同工
Place 集合地点:Jubilee Church 禧年堂
Meeting Time集合时间:20 June, 7.15am (bus will leave at 7:45am)
Return Journey: Depart from Hotel 24 June, 1:30pm. Estimated Arrival to Jubilee 6:00pm.
回程:6月24 日1点30分从酒店出发,预计回到禧年堂的时间是下午6点.
Important Thing to Bring 需要携带的东西
• Loving attitude: Ready to Bless Others 以爱祝福别人
• Bible / Pens to take note 圣经/笔准备做笔记
• Passport (Ensure that there is minimum 6 months validity period)
• Cash Ringgit (Free Time from 6pm to 8:30pm on 23 June. Dinner on your own)
6月 23日6 点至8点30分自由活动时间。当天晚餐自费,请预备马币。
• Cash Sing Dollar (for Offering during Sunday Worship)
新币(6月23 日崇拜时用以奉献)
Encore Melaka又见马六甲
Special program at Free & Easy Time on 23 June from 4:30-8:30pm
(First come first serve, maximum 40pax)
”Encore Melaka” an immersive performance for 70 mins, 360 degree rotating Audience platform show on Melaka History
@S$60 (Own expense), inclusive Standard Ticket + 2 way Transport + Nyonya Dinner
在6月23日,自由活动时间4:30-8:30 特別安排节目去看「又见马六甲」70分钟演出,以360度旋转观众席的方式式穿越時光看马六甲历史。(先报名为优先,名额只限40位)
Pls register and pay at jubilee church service desk on 9 and 16 Jun .
Please take note: No Travel insurance coverage for the pit stop trip . If required , please purchase at own expenses