Cell Group Sharing Materials 小组分享资料
2012: 哥罗西书资料
申命记资料 On Deuteronomy (2556 downloads)
彼得前后书小组资料 1&2 Peter Cell materials (1603 downloads)
2015: 罗马书:
Romans 12-16 (1757 downloads)
2016: 创世记 Genesis 25-50:
华文版本 (2189 downloads)
English Version (1551 downloads)
2017: 使徒行传 Acts:小组材料 Cell Materials
2018: 以弗所书 Ephesians:link
2019: 哥林多前书 1 Corinthians: link
2020: 约拿书 Jonah & 那鸿书 Nahum: link
2021: 俄巴底亚书 Obadiah: link
2021: 歌罗西书 Colossians: link
Job Cell Materials (385 downloads)
约伯记小组材料 (362 downloads)
2022: 箴言 Proverbs: link
2023: 启示录 Revelation: link
约翰福音“我是” I AM sayings of John materials (1569 downloads)
Cell Materials based on Sermon on the Mount (358 downloads)
Advent and Lent devotionals 降临节大斋节灵修材料
Lent 2015 大斋节 2015 (Matthew 马太福音 26-27)
降临节2016 (1229 downloads)
Advent 2016 (1111 downloads)
(Luke 路加福音 1)
降临节2017 (712 downloads)
Advent 2017 (700 downloads)
(Ezekiel 以西结书)
大斋节2018 (1401 downloads)
Lent 2018 (870 downloads)
(John 约翰福音 14-17)
降临节2018 (494 downloads)
Advent 2018 (509 downloads)
(Jesus’ Genealogy 马太福音的耶稣家谱)
大斋节2019 (1025 downloads)
Lent 2019 (888 downloads)
(Matthew 马太福音 15-22)
六号驿站2019 (702 downloads)
Pitstop 2019 (674 downloads)
(Leviticus 利未记)
降临节 2019 (659 downloads)
Advent 2019 (683 downloads)
(The Law and the Gospel 律法与福音)
大斋节 2020 (878 downloads)
Lent 2020 (711 downloads)
(Isaiah 以赛亚书 40-55)
降临节2020 (900 downloads)
Advent 2020 (514 downloads)
(Luke 1 & OT 路加1章与旧约)
大斋节 2021 (763 downloads)
Lent 2021 (652 downloads)
(Isaiah 以赛亚书 56-66)
将临节 2021 (405 downloads)
Advent 2021 (542 downloads)
(John 约翰福音 1)
下载华文版新信徒大斋节灵修材料 (392 downloads)
Download new believer devotions for Lent (630 downloads)
(Sermon on the Mount 登山宝训)
Equipping Sermons 装备式讲道
接待迎新: 讲道1 讲道2
宣教: 讲道1 讲道2 讲道3 讲道4 讲道5 讲道6 讲道7
对教会传统的认识: 全集
Bible Formation: (1)Manuscripts (2)Apocrypha (3)Jewish Canon (4)Literality (5)Divine Inspiration
《义》的概念和范畴 - 施尤礼牧师/博士 (912 downloads)
马丁路德与保罗新观下教会信仰的再思 陈维进博士:
第二讲 (1002 downloads)
马丁路德与保罗新观下教会信仰的再思录音 (718 downloads)
酷刑十架下的法、理、情 (766 downloads)
下载刘毓江牧师录音 (641 downloads)
Worship Ministry Training Materials 敬拜事工装备资料
All Worship Ministry training information
Congregational Singing 会众诗歌的唱与领
Worship Leader Training 领诗训练资料
Liturgical Prayer Training 崇拜祷告训练资料
How to Lead Children in Whole-hearted Worship
Sermon Related Training Materials 讲道特别装备资料
1 Enoch:
Lesson Outline (1380 downloads)
1Enoch Bk1 (1058 downloads)
1Enoch Bk2 (1058 downloads)
1Enoch Bk3 (984 downloads)
1Enoch Bk4 (986 downloads)
1Enoch Bk5 (983 downloads)
Powerpoint Notes (2887 downloads)
Talks on Mark by Prof. Tan Kim Huat: Old Testament passages in Mark 马可福音中的旧约经文 and The Cross in Mark 马可福音中的十字架
Parenting with Proverbs Ebooklet (189 downloads)
箴言育儿电子书 (199 downloads)
Baptism Class Training Materials 洗礼班资料
Gospel A Classes recordings 洗礼班A课录音
Gospel A in sermon form 福音课A讲道系列
Testimonies 见证
郭循循姐妹的见证 (3051 downloads)
sharing 8 (950 downloads)
sharing 9 (1036 downloads)
eng part 1 (957 downloads)
eng part 2 (867 downloads)
陈琼玉长老的见证 (1442 downloads)
“我的母亲” - 何彬彬姐妹 (823 downloads)
复活节洗礼见证:丁先浩(浩楠),韩欢 (251 downloads)