Luke Zone | 路加区

Postal Code 邮区:


Zone Pastor 区牧: 黄伟康牧师 Rev. Joseph Wong

Zone Supervisors 区长:

施美伶长老 Elder Sie Mie Ling,
颜明躍长老 Elder Gan Beng Yoke

小组Cell Groups

1. 组名 Cell Group Name: Jubilee Cell Group (小组活动暂停)
组长 Leader:陈村郎长老 Eld. Sunny Tan
地点 Venue: Eng Kong Place
时间 Time: First Fri of every month, 8-10pm

2.组名 Cell Group Name: NewB:n
组长 Leader: Sis MayYin
地点 Venue: Newton
时间 Time: First and Third week Fri of every month, 8-10pm

3. 组名 Cell Group Name: Sentosa Group
组长 Leader: Elder. Peter Ang
地点Venue: Jubilee Church
时间Time: Every Sun, 12-1:30pm

4. 组名 Cell Group Name: 方舟A.R.K (Act of Random Kindness)
组长 Leader:Bro Spenser
地点 Venue: Taman Permata
时间 Time: Every alternate Fri, 8-10pm

5.组名 Cell Group Name: Moulmein “D’Vine”
组长 Leader(s): Sis Selina
地点 Venue: Jalan Rajah
时间 Time: Every alternate Sat, 8-10pm

6.组名 Cell Group Name: 篮球 Basketball
组长 Leader(s): 姚臣廉弟兄 Bro Yeow Chern Lian
地点 Venue: Lor 2 Toa Payoh
时间 Time: Every alternate Sat, 8-10pm

If you want to attend a cell group, please contact the respective pastors in your zones.

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