Worship Study 5

Posted on 03 Mar 2011

Over the first half year, we have:
1. Formed a core team to work on developing the Jubilee worship ministry through study and pragmatic execution.
2. Set up the worship resource room.
3. Developed a worship plan for the next year.
4. Developed an evaluation system.
5. Discussed on many related issues on worship planning, worship leading, worship reflection
(I may have forgotten many others)

Things in the pipeline include:
1. To fully utilise the resource room.
2. The development of Checklists
3. To finetune (and implement) our evaluations

This is the summary and action plan for September 2010 Worship Study on the 8th topic: Hospitality

1. Siow Hwee: Hospitality as Peace and Justice: http://www.calvin.edu/worship/stories/peace_justice.php (just this page) and the link in “Worship sustains our hope for peace and justice”

We began with the focus on Hospitality as Peace and Justice for this month.  Hospitality goes beyond greeting new comers.  Hospitality is basically saying that everybody must feel welcomed into the worshiping community.  This is the essence of the gospel.  That everybody should not feel despair about God passing him by.  This is especially so for the marginalised.  Therefore, we must show hospitality because that is the good news.  Without hospitality, there is no gospel.  Without gospel, there is no church.  We begin with the focus on peace and justice because the good news must reach the marginalized that this gospel for for them too.

2. Cathy: http://www.mennovision.org/Vol%203%20No%201/Pohl_Hospitality.pdf

Cathy shared from Christine Pohl’s article.  It includes qualities of welcoming places, gestures and people.
a. Places must be comfortable, celebrate life and encourage conversation.
b. Welcoming gesture means giving full attention, remembering names and allowing guests to be gracious
c. Welcoming hosts include simplistic lifestyle, being vulnerable, comfortable with suffering and being non pragmatic in approach.

3. YouFen: http://www.desiringgod.org/ResourceLibrary/Sermons/ByScripture/4/2179_Marriage_Singleness_and_the_Christian_Virtue_of_Hospitality/

Youfen shared on how people who are single and married can be hospitable to one another.
a. Welcome others as Christ welcomes you.
b. Include single people and married people in your events.

4. Xin Liang: http://www.pbv.thunder-bay.on.ca/NetSermons/1pet4ser.html

XingLiang shared about those who are gifted in hospitality.
a. They focus on the needs of others first.
b. They value community.

5. WanLeng: http://www.desiringgod.org/ResourceLibrary/Sermons/ByDate/1985/503_Strategic_Hospitality/

WanLeng shared on the why Hospitality is a necessity in our worship.  It is the desire and glory of God.  So when we truly experience God, we shared god to the outside world.
Strategic hospitality include:
a. Invite one another to our homes
b. Greet and Welcome (after worship service!)
c. International Students ministry

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