通晓马太福音 For a thorough understanding of Matthew
通晓马太福音 For a thorough understanding of Matthew
After years of hard work, we have finally completed the sharing of the entire Gospel of Matthew. You may revise the entire gospel through listening the sermon recordings online and reading the devotionals.
(我们四年一次以马太福音作为该年度的福音经文。We used Matthew as the Gospel text of the year once every four years.)
1-2章:2010 2014 2018 降临节讲道及灵修材料 Advent sermons and devotionals
3-9章:2011 2015 讲道 sermons
10-15章:2019 讲道 sermons
15-22章:2019 大斋节灵修材料 Lent devotionals
23-25章:2019 大斋节讲道 Lent sermons
26-28章:2011 大斋节讲道 Lent sermons, 2015 大斋节灵修材料 Lent devotionals
The aforementioned sermons can be found on our church website. Seek and you shall find.
训诲诗 Maskil Psalms 训诲诗 Maskil Psalms (Ps. 诗 32,42,44,45,52-55,74,78,88,89,142)
Maskil psalms are psalms of instruction, reflection and enlightenment, useful for imparting spiritual insights for growth and maturity. From 2017 to 2020, we are in the process of completing this Psalm series.
2015: Psalm 32, as part of the Penitential Psalms series (忏悔诗)
2017: Psalm 74, 78, as part of the Psalms of Asaph series (亚撒诗)
2018: Psalm 88, 89, 142
2019: Psalm 52-55
2020: Psalm 42-45, as part of the Psalms of sons of Korah series (可拉子孙诗)
Our sermon series list (in Biblical order 按照圣经目录编排) Old Testament 旧约
Genesis 5-10 创世记 5-10
Exodus 出埃及记
Deuteronomy 申命记
小组讨论资料 Cell Sharing Materials: [Download not found]
Judges 士师记
Chronicles 历代志
Nehemiah 尼希米记
Esther 以斯帖记
Messianic Psalms (2, 22, 49, 110, 118) 福音诗
Penitential Psalms (6, 32, 38, 51, 102, 130, 143) 忏悔诗
Miktam Psalms (16, 56-60) 逃难诗
Hallel Psalms (113-118, 136, 145-150) 哈利诗
Ascent Psalms (120-134) 上行诗
Other Psalms (30, 37, 72, 95) 其他诗篇
Ecclesiastes 传道书
Isaiah 以赛亚书
Lent devotions 大斋节灵修: [Download not found] [Download not found]
Jeremiah 30-33 耶利米书30-33章
Ezekiel 以西结书
Daniel 但以理书
Hosea 何西阿书
Joel 约珥书
Malachi 玛拉基书
New Testament 新约
Matthew 马太福音
Lent devotional materials 大斋节灵修材料: [Download not found] [Download not found] [Download not found] [Download not found] [Download not found] [Download not found] [Download not found]
Mark 马可福音
Luke 路加福音
Advent devotional materials 降临节灵修材料: [Download not found] [Download not found]
John 约翰福音
Acts 使徒行传
Romans 罗马书
小组讨论资料 Cell Sharing Materials: [Download not found]
2 Corinthians 哥林多后书
Hebrews 希伯来书
James 雅各书
1,2 Peter & Jude 彼得前后书,犹大书
小组讨论资料 Cell Sharing Materials: [Download not found]
1,2,3 John 约翰一书,二书,三书
Special Topics Sermon Series 专题讲道系列
The Jesus Creed 耶稣信经
Kingdom of God 上帝的国
Life Transformation 生命蜕变
Understanding Church Traditions 对教会传统的认识