通晓马太福音 For a thorough understanding of Matthew

Posted on 28 Jun 2019
通晓马太福音 For a thorough understanding of Matthew
After years of hard work, we have finally completed the sharing of the entire Gospel of Matthew.  You may revise the entire gospel through listening the sermon recordings online and reading the devotionals.
(我们四年一次以马太福音作为该年度的福音经文。We used Matthew as the Gospel text of the year once every four years.)
1-2章:2010 2014 2018 降临节讲道及灵修材料 Advent sermons and devotionals
3-9章:2011 2015 讲道 sermons
10-15章:2019 讲道 sermons
15-22章:2019 大斋节灵修材料 Lent devotionals
23-25章:2019 大斋节讲道 Lent sermons
26-28章:2011 大斋节讲道 Lent sermons, 2015 大斋节灵修材料 Lent devotionals
The aforementioned sermons can be found on our church website. Seek and you shall find.

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