Our sermon series list (in Biblical order 按照圣经目录编排)

Posted on 04 Mar 2011

Old Testament 旧约

Genesis 5-10 创世记 5-10

Exodus 出埃及记

Deuteronomy 申命记
小组讨论资料 Cell Sharing Materials: [Download not found]

Judges 士师记

Chronicles 历代志

Nehemiah 尼希米记

Esther 以斯帖记

Messianic Psalms (2, 22, 49, 110, 118) 福音诗

Penitential Psalms (6, 32, 38, 51, 102, 130, 143) 忏悔诗

Miktam Psalms (16, 56-60) 逃难诗

Hallel Psalms (113-118, 136, 145-150) 哈利诗

Ascent Psalms (120-134) 上行诗

Other Psalms (30, 37, 72, 95) 其他诗篇

Ecclesiastes 传道书

Isaiah 以赛亚书
Lent devotions 大斋节灵修: [Download not found] [Download not found]

Jeremiah 30-33 耶利米书30-33章

Ezekiel 以西结书

Daniel 但以理书

Hosea 何西阿书

Joel 约珥书

Malachi 玛拉基书

New Testament 新约

Matthew 马太福音
Lent devotional materials 大斋节灵修材料: [Download not found] [Download not found] [Download not found] [Download not found] [Download not found] [Download not found] [Download not found]

Mark 马可福音

Luke 路加福音
Advent devotional materials 降临节灵修材料: [Download not found] [Download not found]

John 约翰福音

Acts 使徒行传

Romans 罗马书
小组讨论资料 Cell Sharing Materials: [Download not found]

2 Corinthians 哥林多后书

Hebrews 希伯来书

James 雅各书

1,2 Peter & Jude 彼得前后书,犹大书
小组讨论资料 Cell Sharing Materials: [Download not found]

1,2,3 John 约翰一书,二书,三书

Special Topics Sermon Series 专题讲道系列

The Jesus Creed 耶稣信经

Kingdom of God 上帝的国

Life Transformation 生命蜕变

Understanding Church Traditions 对教会传统的认识

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