This is the fifth meeting we have on the 6th Conviction “Disciplined creativity in the arts” under the ten core convictions of worship. This is in May 2011. This is a session to continue the focus on the interaction between Liturgical Arts and Technology.
We continue with the discussion on the use of technology in liturgical arts, this time focusing on the use of projected images. WanLeng shared that images can be very powerful because it is more than seeing. A good image can awaken all five senses into the world of the image. So it is not a matter of How but Why. We can focus of the purpose of the image more than finding the most technologically difficult image. It is not showing and telling, but a dialogue between the congregation and God. Pictures can influence us deeply, perhaps even more than words. It is also inclusive since it is not language dependent. It is also important to remember that less is more. It is only a visual clue to draw us into the objective of the image.
Cathy continued the sharing by giving examples as to how multimedia can enhance the effects of storytelling. They provide the sounds and images to a story. It is telling scripture rather than just reading it. The aim is to bring people back into the story and then coming out a little changed. There are a few pointers to the proper use of multimedia:
1. Start with the liturgy
2. Use locally produced media
3. consider the target audience (externally active is singing, internally active is thinking)
The discussion group has a few responses
1. Is technology only a lousy replacement? It is often more realistic to use flesh and blood than to use technology which can be cold and passive.
2. Some argue that technology is here to stay. But others say that we only have to accommodate only to a certain degree because they church should have its voice on its use and impact.
3. As for liturgical arts, it is about balance of the sound-scape and the landscape in our use of technology. We use it not for the sake of it but with an awareness that there should be a resonance with the people.