This is the summary for April 2010
Siow Hwee: Planning worship as Pastoral:
Siow Hwee shared on the model of a pastor for those serving in the worship ministry. We often think of ourselves as a performer or coordinator or spiritual engineer. But the model of a pastor allows us to discern our worship content, serve with a pastoral heart and with an infectious joy.
Cathy: Crash Course in Leading Worship:
Cathy shared on the idea of using cue cards as a reminder of what is important before we serve. Our team decided that these cue cards would serve an important function like a checklist. We can remind ourselves of certain key points when we perform and also spiritual things to remember.
Xing Liang: Fresh and Authentic Worship: and
Both the articles tells us that to develop what is fresh and authentic, we need to have a close relationship with God. Only then, we will learn fresh thing about God all the time and relate to God honestly.
YouFen: Spiritual Preparation for Worship leaders:
This is an interesting article because the emphasis is not on “what to do” to prepare ourselves. Rather, a good spiritual preparation is a good and healthy theology of God.
MinZhi: Healthy Tensions in Corporate Worship:
Minzhi shared from the article the many tensions that must be balanced in a worship of a church. The tensions include transcendence/ immanence, intellectual/ emotional, vertical/ horizontal, planned/ spontaneity, liturgical/ contemporary, excellence/ authenticity, individual/ corporate etc. Our team debate on the merit of having a good balance in these tensions.