Worship Study 7

Posted on 03 Mar 2011

This is the summary of our November discussion

The theme is Hospitality as Inclusiveness

XingLiang’s article focus on the inclusiveness to the elderly.  Firstly, it is to recognize that we all have the image of God.  We are baptized into one body.  Secondly, the elderly has much to offer in the giving of their history, the passing down of tradition and the sharing of their life experiences.  Thirdly, we have to be considerate to them.  We must think about what they can participate in.

Possible ideas to implement:
1. Adopt a grandparent –
2. Visitations
3. Home worship services
4. Testimonies

Wanling’s article is about making worship inter-generational.  Firstly, we must engage the kids while they are still young and interested.  Sermons can use references that is related to them.  Secondly, we must come to the realization that all ages can serve all ministry.  Thirdly, the service can be more visual.

Possible ideas to implement
1. Involve all ages in planning
2. Puppets and Drama

YouFen’s article is about making worship children friendly.  Firstly, it is on children sermon.  Liturgy should explain why we do what we do.  Secondly, each family should prepare themselves on saturday night.  Third is about children hymnals so that children can get use to reading hymnals.  Fourth is about spiritual parenting.  Fifth is about children prayer.

Possible ideas for implementation
1. Can we have a short combined service?  Perhaps CNY service?
2. Discuss with children ministry on planning the children’s sat nights.

Celeste followed on the same theme with her related article.  Firstly, it is about sermons that can engage all ages.  Secondly, Find ways to include children in liturgy.  Third, It is about educating the congregation.

1. Give the kids a role in worship.  This idea was immediately implemented in the form of candle lighting acolytes in the Advent season.
2. Scripture reading and skits
3. Prayer

Cathy’s article is on the role of Children choir.
The article itself places great emphasis on the spiritual formation role of children choir.  However, Cathy feels that the role of a choir is different for different contexts.  We then discussed the role of children choir in the Jubilee context.  Siow Hwee explained how children choir is actually children worship education.

Ideas from the article
1. How to get the congregation to understand that it is worship and not a performance.
“the choir director went home wondering, “How can I help people see the children’s choir as part of the worship, not a performance?”So the next month, the director asked to have his choir sing in place of the prayer. Before the song, a child stepped up to the mike and said, “Would you please join us in thought as we sing this prayer?””Just with that simple twist, the choir director reframed the choir’s role in worship,” Witvliet says.”

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