Youth Min 2019

Posted on 28 Jun 2019
Date Connect 4:13 (13 Yrs Old) Connect 4:12 (14-15 Yrs Old) Connect 4:10 (16-18 Yrs Old)
30-Jun Sharing by Joan Ang
6-Jul ConneXion Saturday #7 (Extended YM Time/Outreach Activities)ConneXion Saturday #7 (Extended YM Time/Outreach Activities)
14-Jul Long Worship #4 and
Mid-Term Recap of Discovery of Jesus through Mark (Cell Group Summary)
21-Jul CELL GROUP Lunch Time
28-Jul Discovery of Jesus through Mark 14:12-31: The Last Supper (Discover as a Cell Group)
3-Aug ConneXion Saturday #8 (Extended YM Time/Outreach Activities)
Discovery of Jesus through Mark 14:12-31: The Last Supper (Sharing by Pastor)
11-Aug CELL GROUP Lunch Time
18-Aug Family Day Combined Service
25-Aug Discovery of Jesus through Mark 14:32-52: Gethsemane and the arrest of Jesus (Discover as a Cell Group)
31-Aug ConneXion Saturday #9 (Extended YM Time/Outreach Activities)
Discovery of Jesus through Mark 14:32-52: Gethsemane and the arrest of Jesus (Sharing by Pastor)
8-Sep Long Worship #5
15-Sep Christian Living Series #7: TBD
22-Sep Christian Living Series #8: TBD
29-Sep Christian Living Series #9: TBD
6-Oct WAM Combined Service
13-Oct Discovery of Jesus through Mark 14:53-15:20: The Hearing by the Sanhedrin; The Roman Trial (Discover as a Cell Group)
20-Oct CELL GROUP Lunch Time
27-Oct Discovery of Jesus through Mark 14:53-15:20: The Hearing by the Sanhedrin; The Roman Trial (Sharing by Pastor)
2-Nov ConneXion Saturday #10 (Extended YM Time/Outreach Activities)
Discovery of Jesus through Mark 15:21-47: The Crucifixion and Death of Jesus; The Burial of Jesus (Discover as a Cell Group)
10-Nov Long Worship #6
17-Nov Discovery of Jesus through Mark 15:21-47: The Crucifixion and Death of Jesus; The Burial of Jesus (Sharing by Pastor)
24-Nov Discovery of Jesus through Mark 16:1-8: The Resurrection (Discover as a Cell Group)
30-Nov ConneXion Saturday #11 (Extended YM Time/Outreach Activities)
Discovery of Jesus through Mark 16:1-8: The Resurrection (Sharing by Pastor)
8-Dec Year End Recap of Discovery of Jesus through Mark (Cell Group Summary)
15-Dec CELL GROUP Lunch Time
22-Dec Christmas Combined Service
29-Dec Year End Celebrations

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