Our Worship Liturgy 崇拜礼仪

(Note: Our worship liturgy is based on the Book of Common Worship prepared by the theology and worship ministry unit of The Presbyterian Church (USA))

Reformed worship is based on the action of God and the response of Man.  The following four movements (Gathering, the Word, the Eucharist and Sending) need to be understood in this framework.


1.      Gathering 聚集

Call to Worship 呼召

The people are called to worship God. 神的子民被召来敬拜主。

Opening Prayer 开始祷告

Adoration is the keynote of all true worship. 真正的崇拜需有对上帝的敬仰与爱慕

Confession and Pardon 认罪和赦罪宣告

The people are called to confess the reality of sin in personal and common life.  The assurance of God’s forgiving grace is declared in the name of Jesus Christ.


Doxology 三一颂

Praise is given to the Triune God. 我们颂赞圣父,圣子,圣灵。

(Hymn or praise from children choir) (儿童诗班献诗)

The children choir expresses thanksgiving on behalf of the people.


Hymn and Praise 唱诗

With gladness, God is praised in songs. 会众以感恩的心赞美神。


2.      The Word 神的话

Prayers of the People and Prayer for Illumination为会众和社群的代祷,祈求光照

We acknowledge God’s presence in the world and in daily life.  This prayer then seeks the illumination of the Holy Spirit and calls upon God to make us receptive to the life-giving Word.


(Hymn or praise from Adult choir) (圣歌团或乐龄诗班献诗)

A hymn or other song related to the sermon is sung. 神的话通过诗歌表达。

Scripture Reading and Sermon 读经和讲道

After the Bible has been read, its message is then proclaimed. 读经以后,宣讲神的道。


3.      The Eucharist 圣餐

Offering 奉献

The Christian life is marked by the offering of one’s self to God to be shaped, empowered, directed and changed by God.


Invitation and Great Thanksgiving 邀请和感恩

The minister invites the people to the Lord’s table and then gives thanks to God.


Breaking of the Bread and Communion of the People 掰饼和分杯

The minister takes the bread and breaks it, and pours wine into a cup as a reminder that Christ’s body was broken and his blood is shed for all.  The bread and wine are then served to the people.



4.      Sending 差遣

Hymn and Praise 诗歌

The congregation sings a hymn, spiritual, or psalm in response to God. 会众唱诗回应神。

Charge and Blessing 委任和祝福

A formal dismissal using a charge to the people to go into the world in the name of Christ and a blessing using a Trinitarian benediction concludes the service.


Amen 阿们颂

Greetings 问安

We greet one another in peace, and welcome any newcomers into our midst.


Announcements 报告

We share news and reminders of things happening in our community.
