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The Lord's Prayer Part 2

Sermon passage: (Matthew 6:9-11) Spoken on: June 9, 2024
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About Dr. Tan Hock Seng: Dr. Tan teaches New Testament studies, theology and biblical languages in various seminaries in Singapore.

Title: The Lord’s Prayer 2
Date: 09 June 2024
Preacher: Dr Tan Hock Seng


A. Let’s look at The Occasion of Jesus’ Teaching the Prayer

In Luke’s Gospel we read,
Now Jesus was praying in a certain place.
When he stopped, one of his disciples said to him,
"Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples."

The situation for Jesus to teach the Prayer, as recorded in Luke and
Matthew, could be either be

1.Two different occasions on the same day, or
2.Two different days

B. We observe that Luke’s Version is Shorter than Matthew’s

Jesus could have taught the shorter version of the prayer first,
Then He repeated the Prayer,
By teaching a slightly longer version,
to steer the disciples away from praying like pagans – chanting meaningless repetition.

I. A Yoke that is Light & Easy

A. A Rabbi’s Yoke
It’s customary for a Rabbi to teach their disciples to pray
[e.g. John the Baptist did that]
A Rabbi’s teaching of the Torah is called a “Yoke”.

Jesus said, “My yoke is easy, and my burden is light” [Matt. 11:28-30]
Which means that Jesus’ teaching
to approach God is easy and light, compared to yoke of the Pharisees, or of other Rabbis.
You might wonder
Q: Is it necessary for Jesus to teach the disciples to pray?

B. The Psalms as Prayer Liturgy

The Jewish people already had the Psalms.
There are many prayers in the Psalms
that the people could use as liturgy for praying.
However, unlike today’s Christians,
who have at least one Bible at home,
the Jewish people did not own
any personal copy of the Scripture, not even the Psalms.
Scripture copies were kept in the synagogues and the Temple.
Even if the people had a copy of the Psalms,
many of them could not read Hebrew,
the sacred language for worship

C. The Tefillah [Collection of 18 Prayers]
Yet, on the other hand,
the people also had a collection of prayers,
complied by the Rabbis.
This collection is known as the “Tefillah”.
It is still used in the Synagogue today.
The “Tefillah” contains 18 prayers, now 19.

Q: If they already had the Tefillah, the “18 Prayers,”
why did Jesus still teach His Prayer?

The Tefillah and the Lord’s Prayer have some contents’ overlaps.
Jesus simplified many of the petitions of the Tefillah
and also tuned the petitions to be in line with the Father’s will.

For examples:
1. Tefillah [on Restoration] Gather our exiles [10th].
Heal us from all our wounds [8th].
Return to & Build up to Jerusalem [14th].
Cause the horn of David to sprout [15th]
Lead us back to Thy Torah [3rd]
Grant mercy for the house of Israel and righteous proselytes [13th] .

Jesus Thy Kingdom Come;

2. Tefillah [on Vindication]
Look on our affliction; fight our fight [7th];
Establish our innocence [12th];
Cut off all Your enemies and ours [12th];
Grant us knowledge, understanding & intelligence [4th].

Thy Will be Done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

The Tefillah calls God
to attack their enemies [12th] and to fight for them [7th ];

Jesus’ Prayer stresses “God’s Will be Done”
Let God vindicate you and makes things right

3. Tefillah [on Provisions]
Bless this year and all of its yield [9th & 18th].

Jesus Give us this Day our Daily Bread;

4. Tefillah [on Forgiveness]
Forgive us [6th]

Jesus Forgive us, as we Forgive Others

Jesus made His prayer short and memorable, and, apparently, He tuned all the petitions to be in accord with God’s will.
Now, let’s take a close look at
II. The Lord’s Prayer & Our Praying
A. The Lord’s Prayer: Not a Prayer Template
It is not meant to be a set pattern for praying

Jesus Himself did not always use the Prayer’s format
[e.g. John 17:1-26]
He prayed for the Father to restore His glory [vv.1-5]
He prayed for the disciples to be sanctified [vv.6-19]
He prayed for the future believers to know the Father’s love [vv.20-26]

Paul’s did not follow the Lord’s Prayer’s format.
He just prayed whatever are needful for the churches

2 Corinthians 1:3-4
Blessed is the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, Who comforts us in all our troubles. (See also 1 Corinthians 1:4; Ephesians 1:3)

Peter, when drowning, uttered the shortest prayer:
“Lord, save me!” [Matthew 14:30]

Jesus did not say, “Sorry, Pete, you must start with
“Our Father who art in Heaven …” Now, try again …”

and Peter mumbled “Our Father … bubb, bubb, bubb.. .
What prayer-format? Peter just yelled, “Lord, save me!”
B. The Lord’s Prayer: Remarkably Short

Many Christians assume that a long prayer equals a good prayer; and a short prayer is an immature prayer.

However, Jesus taught a Prayer that is Concise and Hefty
This shows that even a short prayer can be good and mature.

C. The Lord’s Prayer: No Fixed Time to Pray

The Jewish people pray three times a day:
at sunrise, at three o’clock; in the afternoon;
and finally at sundown.

Yet Jesus did not stipulate special hours for daily prayer.

Apparently, Jesus desired his followers to go beyond the routine of praying three times a day.

The Apostle Paul exhorted us to pray unceasingly.
What does it mean to pray without ceasing [1 Thess. 5:17]

“Praying unceasingly” is should be as natural as breathing.
We breathe continually.
We do not stop breathing even when we are asleep.
Similarly, our communion with God is continual,
whether we are awake, or asleep.
Prayer is communion with God
who is always thinking of us.

D. Fourthly, The Lord’s Prayer: A Guide for Unhurried
Communion with God [Spending unhurried time in God’s Presence]

Psalm 139 tells us that we are always in God’s thoughts.
God is thinking of us at all times.

NLT Psalm 139:2-7 – David says,
2 You know when I sit down and I rise up.
You know my thoughts even when I'm far away.
3 You see me when I travel and when I rest at home.
You know everything I do.
[Do continue to read verses 5-7 on your own]

In verse 4 we read
You know what I am going to say even before I say it, LORD.

Jesus also tells us
“… your Father knows what you need before you ask him [Matthew 6:8b].

For this reason, our prayer should not always be
presenting God with a long list of shopping items.
God might say, “O, Give me a break!”
I already knew what you wanted.”
“Just spend time with me, Okay!

Pause for Reflection
1. Do I think of God …
when you sit up or rise up [v.2]
when you travel, or rest at home [v.3]
before you are going to say something [v.4a]

2. Am I conscious that …
God goes before me, and follow me? [V. 4b]
His Presence is always with us? [v.7]

Let’s grow in our consciousness of God’s Presence,
and in that awareness, we would be talking to [communing with] God unceasingly.

E. The Lord’s Prayer: A Precept to Enjoy God’s Presence.
When we contemplate the Lord’s Prayer, the Prayer’s contents can sensitize us to God’s presence.

Many Church Fathers had pondered about how Jesus prayed.
Although the Prayer He taught is short,
Jesus habitually spent hours in praying,
He rose up early to pray; He prayed through the night.

The Church Fathers, like Isaac the Syrian [7th century],
Believed that Jesus spent long moments in silent communion with God.

In that silence Jesus prayed without words.
When you are conscious of the Father’s Presence,
And that Father is searching your heart and mind,
No word is needed in that Spirit-filled communion time.

Today, many Jews, after reciting the Shema,
Hear, O Israel, the LORD your God is one.
would spend some time in silence before God.
before praying the Tefillah.
Let’s learn to be quiet and still when we come before God.
Let’s learn to spend time with God unhurriedly.

Now, let’s look at the first three petitions

III. The Petitions in the Prayer

A.The First Petition: Hallowed Be Thy Name

To pray “Hallowed be Thy Name” is like saying,
“May the fire become hot.” when the fire is already hot.

Is this petition unnecessary since there is no way for us to make God more holy than He already is? NOT So!

This petition has Two folds:

First, “Hallowed be Thy name” is
a work that only God can accomplish.

No human can make God’s name Holy.
Only God Himself can make His name Holy

This petition sensitizes us that we are coming before God’s Holy Presence.

Isaiah’s Response in God’s Presence
Let’s recall Isaiah’s response to God in Isaiah 6:1-7

When Isaiah stood before the Majestic Holy God,
he blurted out
5 "Woe to me!"
"I am ruined!
I deserve to die,
because I am a man of unclean lips
and I have seen the King, the LORD of Heaven’s armies.

Isaiah’s predicament was likened to a high priest who had accidentally walked into the Holy of Holies
That’s why he cried out, “I’m as good as dead”

However, Isaiah did not die, God sanctified Isaiah.
An angel picked up a piece of burning coal … and touch his lips.
“… Your sins are forgiveness”

When we pray “Hallowed by Thy Name,”
We will not sanctify God, instead, God sanctifies us.

God is gracious to forgive us,
and cleanse us from all unrighteousness [1John 1:9]

The second fold of “Hallowed by Thy Name” is that
we can profane God’s Name.

We can defile God’s Name by the sinful ways we live.

In Ezekiel 36:16-20 We read that Israel’s Sins and Exile caused God’s holy name to be defiled in the eyes of other peoples.
The Gentiles thought that God was too weak to protect Israel.

Ezekiel 36:20
20 And wherever they went among the nations
they profaned my holy name, for they said.
'These are the LORD's people, and yet they had to leave his land.'

In the same way
Our unChristian lifestyle can profane God’s holy name.

Injustice is a common issue in the workplace.
If we engaged in unjust practice in our work and the way we treat people, others might perceive that our God has no justice.

So, when we pray “Hallowed be Thy Name,”
We are also praying for ourselves,
“Father, do not let me profane your Name”

B. The Second Petition: Thy Kingdom Come ;

Some theologians asserted that the Kingdom of God has come;
It is here now.

Some anticipate that the Kingdom is still future;
It is yet to come.

Q: So, What is the Kingdom of God?

The Kingdom of God has
a King
[everybody agree];
a Domain
[everyone also agree; but they dispute over the nature of the domain]
[Whether the domain is a physical or spiritual realm]
the Reign of God
[God’s reign must be actual, not ceremonial].

1. In the OT Times Israel was a physical kingdom.

King – “Yes”
Domain – “Yes”
Reign of God – No!

The domain was intended for God, to reign in and through Israel.
But the God’s reign was absent
in the kings’ heart and in the people’s life
Israel’s king was supposed to rule as God’s representative.
Unfortunately, after king Solomon’s death,
all the monarchs of Israel and Judah,
except for 8 kings, worshipped pagan gods.
The kings and the people indulged in pagan worships.
So, the God’s kingdom in Israel
evolved into an earthly geo-political kingdom.

2. In the NT Times God exalted the Resurrected Christ as King.
Jesus reigns in the hearts of the believers [His people].
The geo-theocratic domain of the Kingdom is yet to be established.

Some theologians equate the Church with the Kingdom of God.
However, many nations and peoples have yet to acknowledge Jesus
and accept Him as King.

When Christ returns,

Then every knees, in heaven and on earth, and under the earth,
shall bow, and every tongue shall confess
that Jesus is LORD [Philippians 2:10-11]

King – “Yes”
Domain – “Partial – Just the believers”
Reign of God –Not yet

From this analysis,
we see that the Kingdom of God is here [in the present];
but the Kingdom is yet to be fully realized [still future,].

God does not want His people to fight for the kingdom;
He calls us to pray “Thy Kingdom come”

C. The Third Petition: “Thy Will be Done”

This petition directs us to live in conformity with God’s Will

Q: What is the Will of God?

Jesus did not leave His disciple clueless about what God’s Will is.

The Matthew’s Gospel records Jesus’ teaching on God’s will
in the Sermon of the Mount - Matthew 5:1-8:1

1. God’s Will concerns our Being

This is expressed in Jesus’ Eight Beatitudes,
which are teachings for character growth:

a. Be Humbled before God – being poor in spirit [5:3]
When God says “You are wrong”;
We don’t tell God, “No, I am right! You are wrong”
b. Be Remorseful for the wrongs you do [5:4]
c. Be Humble [meek] before fellowmen [5:5]
d. Be Hungry & Thirsty for righteousness [5:6]
e. Be Merciful [5:7]
f. Be Pure in your heart [5:8]
g. Be Peacemakers [5:9]
h. Be Steadfast when persecuted for doing right [5:10]

2. God’s Will concerns our Right Living

This aspect of God’s will is expressed in the Jesus’ Six Antithetical Ethics:

You have heard it said …. But I say unto you…

a. Do not murder even with your words [5:21]
b. Do not commit adultery even in your heart [5:27]
c. Stay faithful to your marriage [5:31]
d. Keep your words [5:33]
e. Do not retaliate when humiliated [5:38]
f. Love your enemies [5:43]

God is concerned about our inward disposition,
He desires our inner beings to match our outward conduct.
This consistently is the “perfection” that Jesus taught.
Perfection is not being moral perfectionist,
but being wholistic in our ethics.

Jesus’ Ethics are examples of His exhortations
“Be Perfect, as Your Heavenly Father is Perfect” [5:48].

3. God’s Will concerns our Doing of His Word

1. Jesus wants us to do right in God’s sight,
and not for show. [Matthew 5:20; Matthew 6:1]

2. Jesus wants for us to be Doers of His word
He concluded His sermon on the mount with a
parable about “A wise man who builds his house
on the rock” [Matthew 7:24-27]

Matthew 7:24-26
"Therefore everyone who hears these words of
mine and puts them into practice is like a wise
man who built his house on the rock …

God’s will is done on earth, as it is in heaven,
when we practice all that Jesus taught us.

D. The Fourth Petition: Provide Us the Bread We Need

In the fourth petition, we pray for our Daily Bread.

The Heavenly Father Cares for Us.
After teaching the disciples to pray,
“Give us this day our daily bread”;
Jesus assured the disciples that
they have a Father who cares for them.

Many people during Jesus’ time could not relate
to God as the Father in heaven.
they felt unworthy to pray to God
because they saw themselves as sinners.

So, Jesus encouraged them in their anxiety,
You don’t have to be anxious about your life because
now you have a heavenly Father who cares for you.

Look the birds in the sky …; Look at the lilies
in the field … your heavenly Father cares for them

Matthew 6:25 - 29
25 "Therefore I tell you,
do not worry about your life,
what you will eat or drink, or about your body,
what you will wear.

26 Look at the birds in the sky:
They do not sow, or reap, or gather into barns,
yet your heavenly Father feeds them.

Aren't you more valuable than they are?

If our Heavenly Father cares about the birds and the lilies,
how much more would He cares for you.
Let’s be confident in praying, “Give us this day our daily bread”

More importantly, we shall remember Jesus’ exhortation

“Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, then all these things shall be added to you.”


A. Jesus’ teaching to pray is a yoke that is light and easy.

1.The Lord’s Prayer is a Guide for Unhurried Time with God.
2.The Lord’s Prayer is a precept to enjoy the Presence of God.

B. The First Four Petitions:
1.The First Petition: Hallowed Be Thy Name
Hallowed by God’s Name is the Work of God.
We pray that God will keep us from profaning His Name.

2. The Second Petition: Thy Kingdom Come;
The Kingdom of God has come,
and is yet to be fully realized in future.
We do not need to fight for God’s Kingdom to come,
We are called to pray. “Let your Kingdom come”

3.The Third Petition: “Thy Will be Done”
1.God’s Will concerns Our Being
2. God’s Will concerns our Right Living
3. God’s Will concerns our Doing of His Word
4. God’s Will is for all peoples to know Him and worship Him.

4. The Fourth Petition: Provide Us the Bread We Need
We ask because God is our heavenly Father
We ask because our Heavenly Father cares for us.

Sally Deford summarized Jesus’ teaching in a song
she composed for her granddaughter –
I Know My Father Loves Me [1] [Matthew 6:25-29; Psalm 147:4]


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