Gaming with Jesus
Sermon passage: (Matthew 27:27-31) Spoken on: April 4, 2011More sermons from this speaker 更多该讲员的讲道: Rev. Wong Siow Hwee For more of this sermon series 更多关于此讲道系列: Matthew
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Sermon on Matthew 27:27-31
The Romans loved their games. Watching people fight to their death was entertainment. They also believed that their gods liked these fights. Many Roman people went to big amphitheaters to see these fights. First, men in armor came out and fought against wild animals. They captured the animals from faraway places and brought them to the stadiums specially for the fights. This enhanced the exotic flavor of these events. Usually the men killed the animals, but sometimes the animals killed the men. The human deaths only made it even more exciting.
Around lunchtime there would be a break. While people were eating lunch in their seats, there would be a half-time show that sometimes had singers or dancers or a little play, or sometimes they had criminals being killed. Sometimes the criminals were just brought out and had their heads cut off, but other times they were tied to posts and the bears came and attacked them, or they were pushed off a high tower, or something creative like that. Because the gods loved to see justice done, they also liked to see criminals being killed. After lunch sometimes there was another show, where men fought men. In big cities, these fights were often a fight to the death. In short, the Romans loved their games.
Thanks to my connections with the larger gaming community, I managed to unearth an ancient gaming session report from the Roman times. For those who are not gaming geeks, a session report is the recollection of what happened during a gaming session. As a gamer, you not only enjoy playing games, you not only enjoy writing about your experience; you even enjoy reading the gaming experiences of others. A session report can provide a lot of information about whether the game is fun, who were playing the game, what strategies were used and so on. This ancient gaming session report belongs to a roman soldier based in Judea in the first century. Allow me to read it to you.
Name of the Game: So you think you can be king.
Location: The Praetorium, also known as Herod’s Castle.
Players: Our company of 600 guys and a man called Jesus of Nazareth.
Summary of the Report: This is my third time playing this roleplaying game. I joined the game with great expectations because it was so much fun the previous two times. The first time I played it was with a man named Theudas. He was a leader of 400 men. The second time was with this guy called Judas the Galilean. He also led a band of men in revolt. These guys enriched the gaming experience because they were true fighters. They played along perfectly in their roles. When we prodded them, they lashed back. When we mocked, they retaliated. When we laughed, they revealed their shame and hate. The two games we played with them were like a perfect dance between two competent partners. And dance we did, till they were spent, fully subdued and defeated, broken men in a lifeless human shell. It was such fun.
However, this gaming session with Jesus of Nazareth was such a disappointment. He professed that he was the king of the Jews before Pilate. (Matthew 27:11) The governor asked him, “Are you the king of the Jews?” “You have said so,” Jesus replied. A mighty claim, but it’s just empty talk. To my surprise, there was no fight at all in this man. We gathered up all the guys of the company. We did our usual dress-up routine. We used a red robe as the royal attire, a staff as the scepter and woven thorns as the crown. In my experience, this never fails to rile up these barbaric country bumpkins. They hated us as much as we loved to tease them. It never failed to incite their rebellious nature. It never failed until now. This time, we never got a single reaction from this guy. Jesus of Nazareth, what an utter disappointment.
I have to say that we were fully participative on our part. We role-played faithful subjects by kneeling in front of him. We shouted “Hail, king of the Jews.” We cheered our greetings loudly to him. To let him feel the disgrace of facing a hero’s welcome, an honor that he may feel he truly deserved, but now it is ever more painful, because it was only given in mockery by his conquerors. We did our best to ridicule him. When that similarly failed to arouse his anger, we even spat on him. Spitting on a person was one of the most grievous insults; these Jewish people considered the spittle of ours, the non-Jews, particularly ceremonially unclean. Yet again there was nothing from this man. Someone in the company had a clever idea to mock him as a prophet. He might be the religious type that would not hold down an insult to his god. So we blindfolded him and beat him. Then we asked him to prophesy. If he ever called himself a prophet, surely he would fight to defend his god. That plan also fell flat. He again failed to respond to our taunting. In the end, our enthusiasm died down quickly and we sent him on his way to the crucifixion.
Verdict: I will think twice if I’m ever invited to play this game again, I’ll only join if we get a real king to play with.
End Session Report.
Why were the Roman soldiers gaming with Jesus? What is the point of toying with him? I believe their fascination with games was deeply related to their culture and worldview. To the Romans, might is right. They dominated their enemies with their military capabilities. They squashed any sign of uprising with brutal force. They ruled the empire with immense power. Their three main gods were Jupiter, god of rain, thunder, and lightning, Mars, god of warfare and Quirinus, also a god of war. Their superiority and mastery over physical strength was their security. It was their belief. It was their pride. So they played games. Games of battles and war became their entertainment. They were a celebration of their triumph over others. They were the evidence of the truth in their philosophy. The strong prevails over the weak. They were stronger. And they had the victory. The weak must now bow in submission to them. Might is right.
And so the dress-up, the roleplaying, they are all part of the game. You may be a king in your barbarian land, but before the mighty Rome, you are a joke. This is what we do to barbarian kings. This is our warning to the world. So you think you can be king? Let’s play a game. Here, let me treat you like a king. With your robe, scepter and crown, I worship you. Then I will hang you as a rebel on the cross. I want you to fight. It’d be no fun if you merely give up your control to us. We want you to defend your pride. We want you to challenge our claims. But eventually, we want you acknowledge the truth, that when your will is finally broken, your feeble aspirations are worthless before the mighty Rome.
But what can we learn from the session report? Jesus is not a pawn in their game. They can taunt, they can insult, but we read of no response. Jesus cares not for his pride. He does not harbor any hatred of the Romans. He is not motivated by nationalistic ambition. So, all the mockery by the soldiers fell flat because he is not your regular antigovernment revolutionary. He was in quiet acceptance of a fate he has foretold. (Matthew 20:17) Now, Jesus was going up to Jerusalem. On the way, he took the Twelve aside and said to them, 18 “We are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be delivered over to the chief priests and the teachers of the law. They will condemn him to death 19 and will hand him over to the Gentiles to be mocked and flogged and crucified. On the third day he will be raised to life!” Jesus knew what he was facing, and he willingly submitted himself to the Father’s will. He went through all the shame and rejection in full obedience to the plans of God. He is the truly the King of the Jews. But he bore the mockery and derision of the world that does not recognize him.
In doing so, Jesus revealed the true intention of God. What God wants is a servant king. In Deuteronomy 17:14 When … you say, “Let us set a king over us like all the nations around us,” 15 be sure to appoint over you a king the LORD your God chooses. He must be from among your fellow Israelites. Do not place a foreigner over you, one who is not an Israelite. 16 The king, moreover, must not acquire great numbers of horses… 17 He must not take many wives… He must not accumulate large amounts of silver and gold. 18 When he takes the throne of his kingdom… he is to read (this law) all the days of his life so that he may learn to revere the LORD his God and follow carefully all the words of this law and these decrees 20 and not consider himself better than his fellow Israelites and turn from the law to the right or to the left.
So, Jesus was truly the king of the Jews. But he did not play along with the games of this world. He had his own rules. He had his own victory conditions. Jesus is the king but he did not fight. He is the true prophet but he did not prophesy on demand. Whatever he does is not for his own glory, but for the good of his people. Whatever he owns is not riches of the world but the righteousness of God. He came to the world to serve his people. He died so that his people might live. He sacrificed so his followers know what true love is. Thankfully, God raised him from the dead. This is the vindication from God that the path Jesus has taken is the right path, the path ordained by God. This is why all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Jesus. Might is right? No. The conclusion of Matthew said otherwise. Only the will of God is right.
The sad truth is that the world has never wanted such a king. In 1 Samuel 8:10 Samuel said, “This is what the king who will reign over you will claim as his rights: He will take your sons and make them serve… …13 He will take your daughters... 14 He will take the best of your fields… for his own use. 17 … you yourselves will become his slaves.” 19 But the people refused to listen to Samuel. “No!” they said. “We want a king over us. 20 Then we will be like all the other nations, with a king to lead us and to go out before us and fight our battles.” This is the reality. Even the Jews were like the other nations. They wanted a warrior king. The Roman soldiers expected a warrior king. Their games were designed to battle against these warrior kings. This is the world they know. Might is right.
So brothers and sisters, what about you? In today’s passage, you have seen the way Jesus is king. Is he your king? Do you want a servant king? This is not a decision to be taken lightly. It is a commitment. If Jesus is who we truly wish to follow, then we have to submit to his way. It is a way of meekness and humility. It is a way of sacrifice and servitude. The world may be confused, but we do play a different game from them. There will be moments we fight. But we fight not for our self-interest. We fight against sinful desires and temptations. There will be moments we prophesy. But we prophesy not for our pride. We prophesy against the ways of the world. But like Jesus, there will be moments we neither fight nor prophesy. We may appear weak and silent. But it is never about winning the spur of the moment. We endure and we choose not to play the silly games. We persevere for the true crown that awaits us before the throne of God. Therefore we live with only one concern. That is to fulfill the will of God.
2 This is just creative reference to Acts 5:36-38. For more information, check out
3 The IVP Bible Background Commentary: NT, p127
4 Luke 22: 63 The men who were guarding Jesus began mocking and beating him. 64 They blindfolded him and demanded, “Prophesy! Who hit you?” 65 And they said many other insulting things to him.
27 巡 抚 的 兵 就 把 耶 稣 带 进 衙 门 , 叫 全 营 的 兵 都 聚 集 在 他 那 里 。 28 他 们 给 他 脱 了 衣 服 , 穿 上 一 件 朱 红 色 袍 子 , 29 用 荆 棘 编 做 冠 冕 , 戴 在 他 头 上 , 拿 一 根 苇 子 放 在 他 右 手 里 , 跪 在 他 面 前 , 戏 弄 他 , 说 : 恭 喜 , 犹 太 人 的 王 阿 ! 30 又 吐 唾 沫 在 他 脸 上 , 拿 苇 子 打 他 的 头 。
31 戏 弄 完 了 , 就 给 他 脱 了 袍 子 , 仍 穿 上 他 自 己 的 衣 服 , 带 他 出 去 , 要 钉 十 字 架 。
地点:衙 门,也称为希律王的旧城堡
但这次跟这位拿撒勒人耶稣的游戏真是叫人大失所望。他在彼拉多面前自称自己是犹太人的王。(马太 27:11) 11 耶 稣 站 在 巡 抚 面 前 ; 巡 抚 问 他 说 : 你 是 犹 太 人 的 王 麽 ? 耶 稣 说 : 你 说 的 是 。口出狂言,但只是空谈。我很惊讶,这人一点斗志都没有。我们召集了营中所有的弟兄。我们照常预备我们的盛装打扮。我们以一件朱红色袍子为王袍,用荆棘编做冠冕,拿一根苇子做权杖。这总会刺激这些野蛮的乡巴佬。他们痛恨我们的程度,跟我们戏弄他们的程度是相等的。这总会激发他们叛逆的略性。直到这次。我们一点反应都没有得到。拿撒勒人耶稣,真叫人失望。
我们可以说是全勤参与。我们扮演俯伏跪拜的百姓。我们呼喊:恭 喜 , 犹 太 人 的 王 阿 !我们欢呼他。就是要他感受面对英雄的欢迎的耻辱。他可能以为自己配得这样的荣耀,但如今是痛苦的,因为这样的欢呼是战胜他的人用来戏弄他的。我们尽量的愚弄他。当这样不能激怒他,我们还吐 唾 沫 在 他 脸 上。吐唾在一个人身上是最严厉的羞辱。犹太人把外邦人的唾液当成不洁净。可是这人仍然没有反应。营里 的 人有好主意 , 把他当成先知来戏 弄 他。 他可能是那种很虔诚的,不能忍受别人侮辱他的神的那一种 。所以我们就蒙 着 他 的 眼打 他, 然后叫他说预言。如果他把自己当做 先知,他一定会为自己的神辩护。结果这计划也失败了。他又不理我们的挑衅。 结果我们的兴致很快就淡化了,就把他送去丁十字架。
我们从游戏报告能学到什么呢?耶稣不是他们游戏里的卒子。他们挑衅,他们侮辱,但是我们没有读到有什么反应。耶稣不在乎他的尊严。他对罗马人没有怀恨于心。他的动机不是民族抱负。所以,兵士们的嘲弄失败了,就因为他不是一般的反政府叛乱分子。他默默地接受了他所预言的命运。马太20:17 耶 稣 上 耶 路 撒 冷 去 的 时 候 , 在 路 上 把 十 二 个 门 徒 带 到 一 边 , 对 他 们 说 : 18 看 哪 , 我 们 上 耶 路 撒 冷 去 , 人 子 要 被 交 给 祭 司 长 和 文 士 。 他 们 要 定 他 死 罪 , 19 又 交 给 外 邦 人 , 将 他 戏 弄 , 鞭 打 , 钉 在 十 字 架 上 ; 第 三 日 他 要 复 活 。 耶稣知道他将要面对的,而他也愿意服从天父的旨意。他完全顺服神的安排,经历了所有的羞辱和弃绝。他是真正犹太人的王。但他却承担一个不认他的世界的嘲笑。
耶稣这么做,显露了神真正的心意。神所要的是一个服侍的君王。申命计17:14你若 说 : 我 要 立 王 治 理 我 , 像 四 围 的 国 一 样 。15 你 总 要 立 耶 和 华 ─ 你 神 所 拣 选 的 人 为 王 。 必 从 你 弟 兄 中 立 一 人 ; 不 可 立 你 弟 兄 以 外 的 人 为 王 。16 只 是 王 不 可 为 自 己 加 添 马 匹 , 17 他 也 不 可 为 自 己 多 立 妃 嫔 ,也 不 可 为 自 己 多 积 金 银 。 18 他 登 了 国 位 ,要 平 生 诵 读 , 好 学 习 敬 畏 耶 和 华 ─ 他 的 神 , 谨 守 遵 行 这 律 法 书 上 的 一 切 言 语 和 这 些 律 例 ,20 免 得 他 向 弟 兄 心 高 气 傲 , 偏 左 偏 右 , 离 了 这 诫 命 。
所以,耶稣是真正犹太人的王。但是他没有参与这世界的游戏。他有他自己的规则。他有他自己输赢的标准。耶稣是王,可是他不战斗。他是真正的先知,但他不随意说预言。他所做的不是为了自己的荣耀,乃是为了他子民的好处。他所拥有的不是世界的财富,而是神的公义。他来世界服侍人。他死好让他的子民能活下去。他牺牲所以他的门徒知道什么是真爱。感谢神,神叫他从死里复活。神如此鉴定耶稣的道路是正确的,神命定的道路。天 上 地 下 所 有 的 权 柄 都 赐 给了耶稣 。谁的力量大,谁就是对的?不是的。马太福音的结局证明不是。只有神的旨意是对的。
很遗憾的,这世界不要这样的王。10 撒 母 耳说 :管 辖 你 们 的 王 必 这 样 行 : 他 必 派 你 们 的 儿 子 侍奉 他 13 必 取 你 们 的 女 儿14 也 必 取 你 们 最 好 的 田 地 16 又 必 取 你 们 的 仆 人 婢 女17 你 们 也 必 作 他 的 仆 人 。19 百 姓 竟 不 肯 听 撒 母 耳 的 话 , 说 : 不 然 ! 我 们 定 要 一 个 王 治 理 我 们 ,20 使 我 们 像 列 国 一 样 , 有 王 治 理 我 们 , 统 领 我 们 , 为 我 们 争 战 。